
Thursday, October 3, 2019

My Hospital Bag

What do I put in my hospital bag? That is the question you ask yourself over and over again as you get ready for your bundle of joy. I scoured the blogs and google looking for what to pack. Below is my list of things I packed and used, didn't use, and the hospital ended up having. Take a look and choose what you think you need. Remember there are no right answers as to what you can and can't bring!

Things I used and highly recommend:
  • Hair ties (you can never have enough)
  • Chapstick, chapstick and more chapstick (This is a must. Your lips get very chapped during labor)
  • Phone charger (You know you will be posting and sending a billion pictures of that newborn)
  • Warm socks with non-skid (I got some for $5 at Walmart and they are awesome I still wear them. Mine weren't Christmas but the type of sock can be found here)
  • Nursing bras (If you are breastfeeding these are great and comfy! Can be found here)
  • Robe  (They keep you warm and covers that booty, not pictured above)
  • Flannel PJ's (They were super warm in that freezing hospital)
  • Sweater (Again hospitals are always cold)
  • Going home outfit (I chose a maxi dress for roominess and leggings because it's cold in February in Oregon)
  • Toothbrush and tooth paste (Nothing like a fresh mouth)
  • Lotion (My hands get really dry in the winter)
  • Deodorant (So you don't smell after all that sweating)
  • Face wash (A clean face is always refreshing)
  • Brush (You will want to brush you hair after long hours of labor)
  • Makeup (I was one of those ladies that got an epidural and was fixing my makeup lol)
  • Flip flops (They are always good to have as quick slip on shoes, not pictured above)
  • Extra bag (for all that extra stuff you get at the hospital)
  • Baby book (For those little foot prints)
  • Popsicles (these were amazing during labor and nurses kept them in the freezer, not pictured above)

Don't forget dad and baby!

For Baby:

  • Car seat (Can't go home without it, not pictured above)
  • Going home outfit (I know you already have that cute outfit ready to take all those going home pictures of)
  • Extra onesies in different sizes (Never know how big or small they will be)
  • Blanket (You will probably get some at the hospital, but nothing like a soft blanket from home)

For Dad:

  • Clothes (Dads are easily forgotten in the hustle and bustle. Make sure he has something comfy to wear while he is helping you through the pain)
  • PJs (Needs something to sleep in)
  • Toiletries (Dads need the essentials too)
  • Phone Charger (For all those pictures that will be taken)

I brought, didn't use, but glad I brought just in case:
  • Hard candy (I actually totally forgot I had these but could have used one!)
  • Book/magazine (Once, I got my epidural I slept but this was good to have just in case)
  • Cash for vending machine (We ended up bringing some snacks)
  • Sports bra (I ended up just wearing my nursing bra)
  • Dry Shampoo (I luckily got to take a shower before the hospital so my hair wasn't too bad but you never know)
  • Nipple cream (I used this the day after we left the hospital. He bit my nipple wrong and boy was this a life saver)

I brought and the hospital had (check with your hospital to see what they provide. They told me most of these but I just wanted to be safe):

  • Blanket (I have this listed in the baby section but the hospital blankets are never as soft and nice as the ones from home)
  • Bath towel (I brought my own but ended up using the hospitals since I didn't want to stain mine with blood. Yes, you will be bleeding after giving birth!)
  • Body Wash (I just used theirs)
  • Shampoo/conditioner (I just used theirs. I was really just enjoying the hot water)
  • Pads (They had extra large pads that I used and saved mine for at home, not pictured above)
  • Pack of underwear (Again, I used the cloth diapers they gave me that were actually really comfy, not pictured above)
  • Diaper cream (Didn't end up needing any diaper cream plus they had some if we did)

I brought and didn't use:

  • Camera (We brought our nice camera but ended up just using our phones. This would be good if you have someone else to take pictures, not pictured above)
  • Hot/cold breast pads (Good to have but I didn't need them in the hospital. I did use them during that first week of breastfeeding)
  • Baby Powder (Didn't need, not pictured above)

Anything I missed or something you had in your hospital bag that you couldn't live without?

1 comment:

  1. What do I put in my hospital bag? That is the question you ask yourself over and over again as you get ready for your bundle of joy. I scoured the blogs and google looking for what to pack. Below is my list of things I packed and used, didn't use, and the hospital ended up having. Take a look and choose what you think you need. Remember there are no right answers as to what you can and can't bring!
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