
Thursday, March 3, 2016

Pot 'o Gold Centerpiece

Have you ever wanted to find the Pot o' Gold at the end of the rainbow? Look no further because I found the gold and decided to use it as my centerpiece on my table. I also decided to add some pretty flowers and candles to spruce it up even more.

What you need:
- Fake flowers of your choice
- Coins
- Mini bucket
- Green and gold paint
- Candles
- Glass vases
- Mirror

What to do:
1. Paint mini bucket green
2. Once paint is dry, write "Pot 'o Gold" with gold paint
3. Add flowers to the mini bucket and surround with coins (Trick: I added some newspaper underneath the coins so I didn't need to completely fill up the bucket with coins)
4. Add candles to glass vases and surround with coins
5. Arrange mini bucket and vases on mirror
6. Save a handful of coins to scatter around vases and mini bucket

What does your table look like?